HubSpot Marketing Hub: Inbound Marketing at Scale

HubSpot Marketing Hub: Inbound Marketing at Scale

Inbound or Bust 

Marketing tools matter. You know it. I know it. Your last revenue report knows it.  

We all hope  our inbound and digital marketing efforts will generate a shipload of new leads, sales will convert them, customer service will take care of them, and it’ll be smooth sailing through a sea of quarterly bonuses. 

The truth is, we often lose customers to ineffective tools and operations. And now with fintech funding dropping at a record pace, if financial brands want to survive, they need every marketing dollar to work overtime.

Welcome to Part 2 of our 5-part blog series exploring RevOps. 

In Part 1,  I declared the era of siloed teams, disjointed data and aggressive sales tactics over. That’s the Old World. The New World is about unified collaboration and human-centered everything. What’s that got to do with HubSpot? Great question, I’d love to tell you. 

What Is the HubSpot Marketing Hub?

If you are looking to reduce repetitive tasks, better manage relationships, and drive your marketing efforts with data intelligence (#ThatRevOpsLife) look no further than the HubSpot Marketing Hub.

It’s okay if you thought HubSpot was just  an email marketing tool.  While it’s true that it contains a robust, user-friendly email tool, Marketing Hub (the hub most users start with) is actually a “comprehensive digital marketing solution delivered as a cloud service.” 

Read: CRM on steroids.

In HubSpot’s words, it’s “marketing software to help you attract the right audience, convert more visitors into customers, and run complete inbound marketing campaigns at scale — all on one powerful, easy-to-use platform.”

In my words, it tracks and manages EVERY interaction a customer has with your brand AND gives your team the ultimate mar-tech stack for doing inbound marketing right – ALL IN ONE PLACE.

Benefits of the Marketing Hub

As a fintech-focused agency, we here at CSTMR know inbound efforts like content production, search optimization, and paid media operations can be a heavy lift for small teams and start-ups. Often, it’s in the midst of that struggle where we first meet a client. 

While we love helping in all of those areas, we often recommend starting or switching to HubSpot early on to ensure the work we do together is both scalable and sustainable. Here are some of the benefits we’ve seen when a client makes the switch. 

  • Increased website traffic. 
  • Increased conversion rates. 
  • Better engagement with target audience. 
  • Better customer retention.
  • Cost and time savings.
  • Advanced data insights.

Let’s talk about the features that enable this kind of progress.

Main Features of the Marketing Hub

To keep the flywheel spinning, we need to attract, engage, and delight the right people at the right time. But how do we know they are the right people? How do we know the right time or channel? 

For that, we need seriously sophisticated data-tracking and darn-easy development tools that make the whole customer journey come alive. 

Social Media Management 

If your team is so busy responding to trolls on social media that they miss an interaction with an ideal buyer, your revenue is going to feel it. With HubSpot, you can monitor and prioritize conversations. You can create and schedule content across channels. Did I mention it happens ALL IN ONE PLACE? 

Paid Ad Tracking and Management 

Make your ad spend count. Manage Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google ads right inside HubSpot then track and monitor performance to ensure you’re attracting the right people with the right message. 

SEO Blog Optimization 

Outrank your competitors and build search authority. With the Marketing Hub’s blog tool, you can plan your SEO strategy, optimize content, and measure real return-on-investment like you are our resident expert, Michael. (Scratch that. No one can out-nerd Michael on SEO. Pretty sure he thinks in long-chain keywords.)

Email Marketing Automation 

It’s true. You can create beautiful emails in HubSpot with their drag-and-drop builder or custom code. You can personalize emails, run A/B tests, and even create smart modules where one audience segment sees one thing and another sees something different. But the best feature is the email automation. 

I’ve worked in almost every email platform in the market and while many platforms allow you to create automated onboarding emails or a couple basic nurture sequences, Marketing Hub’s workflow tool is the most robust and easy-to-use automation tool I’ve ever worked with.

And it’s not just for email, you can create activity-based contact lists for the sales team or update contact records in bulk for customer service.  Create tasks, send internal notifications, design if-then branches galore – across departments. 

Data Dashboards 

While there are a number of other features worth mentioning like landing pages, CMS websites, live chat, video hosting, and seamless payments, the last one I want to highlight is the data dashboard. 

Tired of running ten reports every time you need a picture of audience activity and campaign performance? 

Set up your dashboard to automatically generate reports and show them as data visualizations. You can arrange report widgets anyway you like. Create custom reports or choose from dozens of templates and give access across departments.

What Role Does Marketing Play in Revenue Operations?

Each of these features facilitate better conversations with your audience. Customers are audience members who believe in your brand promise. 

Our goal as marketers is to attract more audience members and help more audience members believe in your brand promise enough to become customers.  But if your marketing team doesn’t know what happens after they become a customer, how can they know if the messaging is accurate? 

That’s why RevOps seeks to bridge the gap and bring all audience information and customer information into one place. 

Leverage the Power of the HubSpot Marketing Hub With CSTMR

It’s obvious that HubSpot can transform marketing campaigns and programs but if you want to optimize your efforts for RevOps, it helps to use an experienced, agile agency. 

Our expert team can migrate and analyze data, create inbound marketing strategies, and maximize your output and investment. 
Curious about how that might work? Book a call with Rory, our CEO, and he’ll walk you through our HubSpot automation and operations services.

Picture of Rory Holland
Rory Holland
Rory Holland is CEO and Co-Founder of CSTMR. For more than 20 years, he has made it his passion to help Fintech and financial companies leverage digital marketing and advertising to drive growth.

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