Onyx IQ logo

Onyx IQ

is a data-driven loan management software platform that allows SME business alternative lenders to automate every aspect of the lending process, streamlining workflows to reduce the time to initiate and close loans and eliminate errors.

Building a successful enterprise software brand takes a lot of rocket fuel

Launching an enterprise software business from the ground up is a big job. Your prospects have never heard of you, they don’t know what you offer, and your very proposition – “you’re overwhelmed with work” – means they don’t have time to spend trying to learn about you.

That’s where a brand can be the lever to lift the business – the rocket fuel to get into orbit.

By creating a strong brand image that aligns with their premise – strong, simple, streamlined – and building a robust content structure, CSTMR helped Onyx IQ achieve liftoff.


  • Forge a strong, differentiated brand
  • Consistently communicate across all channels
  • Build a sales lead pipeline
  • Create a strong SEO presence
OnyxIQ logo and website design

"CSTMR got it – they grasped my vision and helped bring it to life. The lead pipeline is full and we’re closing deals with profitable clients."


Beginning with a new brand identity that embodied the technology-driven, forward-thinking traits of the brand was the foundation. That included, of course, a new logo, but beyond that, an entire brand voice and messaging platform. Who is Onyx IQ? What can they do for you? Why should you care?

A new SEO-optimized website was developed and launched in 2022, with a focus on educating the users on the benefits of the platform while embodying the values of the brand: strength and simplicity.

Going deeper than copy and paste, Ai-generated content, CSTMR’s content team dove in and crafted a library of valuable blog content on a monthly basis. Paid media and tailored email nurture support all worked to solidify the Onyx IQ brand position as experts in alternative lending.

It’s not easy to start from zero and ramp up, but our approach and process helped Onyx IQ launch and reach escape velocity quickly. Weekly check-ins kept the teams on track, and slavish adherence to brand guidelines meant every effort moved the project forward, with a minimum of backtracking and false starts.


A growing enterprise software brand

Smart, dedicated content creation kept the engines stoked, while rigorous, disciplined SEO work lifted Onyx IQ up in search rankings.

  • + 20% month-over-month (MoM) growth in organic search visibility
  • Achieved top organic rankings for crucial industry keywords
  • Inbound traffic growth resulting in a healthy sales pipeline
  • Steady new client growth exceeding expectations
  • Email open rates far exceed industry average

The trend lines are impressive. Onyx IQ ranks in the top 30 positions for keywords that relate to MCA as a financing product, the industry generally, and loan management software. All this for a brand-new website (with almost zero domain authority) in a highly competitive industry.

Onyx IQ is now a growing enterprise software brand.

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