HubSpot Service Hub: Reimagine the Customer Experience

HubSpot Service Hub: Reimagine the Customer Experience

finger ringing service bell

Fintech is about service. It has to be. While aspects of financial products change, we’re essentially selling the same products our Mad Men forefathers sold – but with radically different customer experiences.

Welcome to part 3 of our 5-part series looking at Revenue Operations and HubSpot.  Here we’ll take a look at another essential pillar of the HubSpot ecosystem, the Services Hub. The place where financial brands are made and broken.

What Is the HubSpot Service Hub?

Like Marketing Hub, Service Hub is a robust software package that allows customer activity to be logged, tracked, and analyzed across your entire team. This time, the  activity being tracked is related to all things customer service – support tickets, feedback, live chats, and more.  

Gone are the days of waiting for banking hours to make a depoist or for an insurance rep to make changes to our policies. Customers expect 24/7 support and access to a portal of information. With HubSpot, you can identify opportunities to deliver service with authenticity and finesse.

Benefits of the Service Hub

Of course we say yes to smoother service. Yes to efficiency. Yes to reducing labor costs. 

But what if your customer service reps could see how engaged with your brand a customer is on social? What if live chats could be easily re-routed to sales workflows? What if your sales team was notified when an existing customer is ready for an upsell?

When you integrate your service tech stack with your marketing, sales, and operations stacks, you can build better customer relationships resulting in better LTV and YoY revenue. Having it all in one place like HubSpot offers:

  • Omnichannel engagement.
  • Seamless service team collaboration.
  • Single source of truth for managing customer communications and data.
  • Deeper/more meaningful customer relationships.

Main Features of the Service Hub

If you have a small team but want to provide service like an enterprise organization, Service Hub is going to knock your customizable socks off. Let’s briefly touch on some of the beautiful features of this beastly hub. 

Live Chat

Automatically route customers and website visitors to the right people on your services team, and build better relationships through contextual conversations.

Omnichannel Messaging

Meet your customers wherever they are by accessing multiple channels in the inbox and seamlessly switching between them. From Facebook messenger to email to text, your customers can feel heard and validated in real-time.

Help Desk Automation

Add routing to tickets to create a help desk that prioritizes critical issues first so you can spend less time on data entry, and more time helping customers succeed.

Knowledge Base Functionality

Convert frequently asked questions into a searchable library of help articles, videos, and documentation. When you help customers help themselves, you reduce the number of support requests. 

Customer Feedback/Surveys

Deploy NPS, CSAT, CES, and custom surveys to gather feedback that can be used to build a better customer experience and get a pulse on customer happiness.

What Role Does Service Play in Revenue Operations?

Customer relationships begin when a person becomes aware of your brand but they don’t become meaningful until you solve a problem for them. 

Through customer service, savvy teams can turn help issues into opportunities, and grow beyond resolution to relationship.

Service Hub helps you identify opportunities to deepen customer relationships, connect to the front office, and drive efficiency so customers have a superior experience throughout their journey. And when all your front office teams’ tools and data are united on the same platform, your customer service team will have the full context of each customer’s previous interactions with Marketing and Sales, making it easier to connect with customers in a much more personalized and powerful way.

Leverage the Power of the HubSpot Service Hub With CSTMR

While our day-to-day operations live in the Marketing Hub, we love helping our customers set up their fully-powered HubSpot instance. From training your team to developing your knowledge base for live and automated chat, we’re here to help you bridge the gap between marketing, sales, service, and operations. 

Interest peaked? Book a call with Rory, our CEO, and he’ll walk you through what working with CSTMR might look like for your team.

Picture of Rory Holland
Rory Holland
Rory Holland is CEO and Co-Founder of CSTMR. For more than 20 years, he has made it his passion to help Fintech and financial companies leverage digital marketing and advertising to drive growth.

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