
An online investment management platform, providing individuals with tools to make smarter, data-driven investing decisions.

Services Provided

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Paid Media Acquisition
  • UX & Visual Design
  • Visual Identity
  • Web Development
  • Marketing Automation
  • SEO

Empowering Individual Investors with Intelligence Tools

The Challenge

Tradestops provides individual investors with an advanced, algorithmically-driven investing tools and resources they need to make smarter trading decisions to risk less and make more in their portfolios. The Tradestops SaaS software helps investors more clearly and confidently make the most difficult investing decisions — how much to invest/risk, when to buy, and when to sell.

Tradestops had developed good success in affiliate marketing, but found the lack of control in that channel too risky and unpredictable for their business to put all of their effort into. They came to us to diversify their marketing channels, and update their brand positioning and website.


  • Establish and diversify marketing channels
  • Update brand positioning and identity
  • Redesign and rebuild website

The Solution

CSTMR helped Tradestops define their target markets, segmented their audience, and developed targeted messaging for the brand. In order to accelerate TradeStops’ growth and diversify their customer acquisition efforts and channels, we worked with their teams to setup, test and grow new channels in paid media – Adwords and Facebook, webinars and email marketing, and established their SEO and content marketing program. 

Based on user and live site tests, we then updated the messaging and redesigned the TradeStops website and logo to give the brand a strong, modern presence to clearly state their value proposition and do a better job building trust and driving sign-ups with their audience.


New Marketing Channels Under a Revitalized Brand

  • Established new brand positioning, messaging, and growth marketing strategy.
  • Redesigned and developed the new Tradestops website, identity, and marketing channels.
  • Setup and established new, profitable paid media channels including, Facebook, Adwords, and retargeting.
  • Developed and implemented the SEO and content strategy, optimized the new website and increased organic.
  • Setup and executed email marketing channel for acquisition, nurture, and retention of new customers.

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