Our Approach to Fintech Digital Marketing & Growth

An experience and research-based approach to planning and optimizing marketing for fintech and financial services.
We know that most audiences are not in the market to buy at any one time. That leads us to often recommend and follow a balanced approach to marketing strategy between performance and brand marketing. To grow a company and brand, you need to connect with that majority of people who aren’t in the market now through brand marketing, so that when they do enter the market your brand is the one they remember – and then aim to convert them with performance campaigns.

Brand Marketing + Performance Marketing

Many companies don’t realize that a large majority of your audience are not in the market to buy what you sell at a given time. This is especially true in B2B marketing, where that breakdown is close to 95% not in market versus only 5% actively looking. And for those companies that are more focused on consumers in financial services, it’s only slightly higher at around 5-20%. 

The following is our experience and research-based approach to why most marketing strategies need a balance of brand marketing and performance marketing to build long-term growth.

Why? Audiences are Rarely Buying

95/5 Marketing Rule
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Audiences are rarely buying, especially in B2B and many financial services sectors. Therefore, to reach them we need a combination of tactics and a multi-pronged marketing strategy.

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We use performance marketing to try to reach and convert the 5%, and brand marketing to build “mental market share” – a memory of your brand for easy recall when they are in market.

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Focusing heavily on performance marketing is short-sighted, and not an ideal recipe for long-term growth. 95% of the market is a massive segment (and opportunity) to ignore.

Why? They Amplify Each Other

marketing halo effect
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When you run both brand marketing and performance marketing in concert, it can have a “halo effect.”

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It can raise brand awareness for the 5% in market, thereby making it more likely they will choose your brand. It can also work to expand that 5%.

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Brand and performance marketing are not mutually exclusive. Both can contribute to brand awareness and conversions.

Why? Attribution is Highly Flawed

Given today’s challenges with accurately attributing what element or channel was truly responsible for a lift, we need to look at how we measure performance. While there are some minor exceptions, attribution fundamentally doesn’t work anymore. Approximating overall lift across channels and tactics is likely the most reliable path.

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Every app or social platform has an incentive to keep you there. They reward embedded content, not click-outs. Users are now habituated not to click out (if it’s even an option) and go directly to search instead.   

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Attribution was killed by Apple’s cookie changes, anti-tracking and privacy laws, ad blockers, multi-device journeys, app dominance, zero-click consumption, and missing referral data (“Direct”).

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Performance marketing’s flawed attribution and overstated impact – always claiming credit for brand marketing channels whose impact can’t be as easily demonstrated.

Marketing that Targets Your Full Audience

Brand Marketing

Build awareness and “mental market share”
  • Be compelling and consistent
  • Build positive and value-oriented associations
  • Drive brand recall when shopping begins
  • Create demand

Performance Marketing

Engage, capture and convert your audience
  • Build upon and reinforce brand marketing
  • Optimize for the conversion point
  • Capture demand

Simply put, the brand that gets remembered is the brand that gets bought.

95% of your market is not shopping. Make sure they think of you when they are.

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