FinTech Marketer: Week #45

FinTech Marketer: Week #45

FinTech Marketer: Week #45

Do or do not

yodaYoda’s famous slice of advice to Luke rings true in content marketing as well. As soon as you look like you’re trying, you lose your audience. Today’s savvy consumers are whip-smart, to the point that they can detect falsehood the same way a Jedi can sense something amiss. So what’s the solution to getting consumers to buy into your company’s products or services? You take a content marketing approach, not a content marketing campaign.

It’s all growed up now

It’s finally happening. Fintech is no longer just a pimple-faced startup from Harvard or MIT or Stanford. It’s being recognized as a beast that must be reckoned with, with the G20’s Financial Stability Board announcing that they’re going to keep an eye on the huge changes in finance so as to avoid disruption and destabilization of global markets. Honestly, if the G20 is taking notice, you know that Fintech has hit the big time.

Time to separate the men from the boys

Fintech is relatively new in the ancient landscape of free economy, but it’s rapidly maturing. For instance, in a list of four things you might expect to see in the next year in financial technology, an unofficial industrial standard will establish itself as consumers bunch up around a choice few fintech leaders. Another development that we may well expect to see is the entry of a huge name in tech – think Google or Apple – that will steal fans away from the established banks.

Is Judgement Day near?

Maybe we won’t be seeing T-800s and T-1000s in our lifetime, but we are now seeing what one financial scholar calls “cyborg finance”. He’s talking about blockchain, and how it’s enabled global finance to automate the financial management process on a global scale to the point where humans fiscal red tape may go the way of the dodo bird.

The media is the message

B2B public relations often involve some kind of media – after all, if your firm’s name isn’t covered somewhere, be it via positive word-of-mouth or in a white paper produced in-office, another business will likely not have heard about you. That’s why you need to understand the difference between earned, owned, paid and shared media and how you can use each (or all) methods to generate solid leads.

Until next week, come with me if you want to live…

Picture of Rory Holland
Rory Holland
Rory Holland is CEO and Co-Founder of CSTMR. For more than 20 years, he has made it his passion to help Fintech and financial companies leverage digital marketing and advertising to drive growth.

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