April Fintech Companies to Watch: Onyx IQ

April Fintech Companies to Watch: Onyx IQ

April Fintech Companies to Watch: Onyx IQ

Alternative lending can be a tedious, error-prone, and labor-intensive process. 

If you’re still using paper-based workflows and legacy lending platforms (as many lenders are), you’re leaving money on the table and putting the future of your business in jeopardy.

Sound like your lending operation? Not to fear, Onyx IQ is here to help.

As a leader in alternative lending technology, Onyx IQ offers an all-in-one digital lending platform to help SME lenders automate every aspect of the lending process. As a CSTMR client, we’ve had the pleasure of seeing this platform’s potential up close, and it’s a game changer.

Want to learn more? You’ve come to the right place. Today, in the next installment of our fintech companies to watch series, we are going to take a detailed look at all things Onyx IQ. 

Let’s dive in.

Onyx IQ’s Mission: Streamline SME Funding

Some technology truly deserves the hype it gets—it’s mind-blowing what replacing paper processes can do for speed and customer satisfaction. 

But Onyx IQ’s impact is even more significant.

SMEs used to have one option for funding: business loans from traditional banks. 

Sure, this process might work fine(-ish) for big businesses with a lot of historical data. However, small businesses face a few more obstacles when looking to secure capital, and traditional funding can be nearly impossible for SMEs to attain.

With the rise of alternative lending, lenders can now design their entire lending strategy to cater to the needs and financial reality of small businesses. 

With a powerful loan management software like Onyx IQ, lenders can leverage data from multiple sources, easily evaluate risk, and communicate with stakeholders in a streamlined, efficient, and personalized manner. 

The result? Lenders reduce complexity and increase security…all while providing more funding to businesses in need.  

Meet Onyx IQ’s Founder: Jay Keller 

Jay Keller has quite the track record. He’s helped more than 10,000 businesses gain alternative lending for inventory, expansion, investments in assets, and new hires. You could say he has some experience. 

Jay gained a reputation within the alternative lending space as a serial financial and technology entrepreneur. In 2010 he founded Wall Street Funding, one of the nation’s fastest growing providers of small business loans in the fintech space.

When he couldn’t find a robust lending platform with all the features he needed, he decided to take the bull by the horns and create the solution himself, and, in 2017, Onyx IQ was born.

How Onyx IQ Is Streamlining SME Lending

SME lending in 2023 is all about speed and efficiency. 

Without these two pillars, lenders not only waste time and money—they ultimately lose deals and underdeliver. 

Onyx IQ  allows lenders to streamline their lending workflows, expediting the decisioning processes they depend on to minimize risk and close deals. In other words, comprehensive automation eliminates the typical bottlenecks of legacy systems while empowering lenders to take on more businesses.

With Onyx IQ, lenders have a clear view of their entire lending business in one single platform, where they can work with the platform’s built-in workflows and communicate with stakeholders to manage an unlimited number of third-party billing communications. 

Onyx IQ can be implemented in just a matter of weeks (so lenders can hit the ground running), and offers the best API providers (16 and counting), giving SME lenders access to decisioning data from third-party providers in seconds.

Built by lenders for lenders, Onyx IQ helps you save time and money. 

CSTMR’s Vision for the Onyx IQ Brand 

CSTMR worked with the Onyx IQ team to create the digital “packaging” for their product. The goal was to develop a strategy capable of highlighting the immense value of the platform—one that has the potential to change the game for  alternative lenders

We started with a new brand identity and logo, one that embodied the technology-driven, forward-thinking traits of the brand. The new SEO-optimized website was developed and launched in 2022, with a focus on educating the users on the benefits of the platform.

Through valuable blog content, paid media, and email support, our specialized  fintech marketing team continues to support the brand on a monthly basis, with the aim to solidify the brand’s position as experts within the alternative lending space. 

CSTMR + Onyx IQ = SME Lending at Its Best

Helping teams work smarter, faster, and smoother is what Onyx IQ is all about. Processes that once took days now take just a few clicks. 

That’s revolutionary. 

But revolution is nothing if you can’t show it, if you can’t get your message across. If you’re looking for a fintech marketing agency that can help get your brand noticed, reach out to us today

We’re eager to hear what revolutionary product or service you’re bringing to market. 

Picture of Rory Holland
Rory Holland
Rory Holland is CEO and Co-Founder of CSTMR. For more than 20 years, he has made it his passion to help Fintech and financial companies leverage digital marketing and advertising to drive growth.

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